Debt Recovery Blog


Attachment of Earnings

Is your Debtor Employed?

If your Debtor is employed, you can apply to the Court for an Attachment of Earning Order. This involves an application to court which, where successful, orders the Debtor’s Employer to pay an amount of the Debtor’s wages directly to you until the debt is satisfied.

Attachment of Earnings Order

To ask for an Attachment of Earnings Order you will need to complete Form N337. You can only make an Attachment of Earnings application if:

The Debtor is NOT:

    • Unemployed or self-employed;
    • A firm or a limited company;
    • In the army, navy or air force; or
    • A merchant seaman.

Application to the Court:

Before you make your application to the court to issue an attachment of earnings order:

    • The Debtor must be behind (in arrears) with at least one payment


    • The amount the Debtor still owes you must be £50 or more.

Why choose CSB Solicitors?

The expert team of Solicitors at CSB Solicitors can provide you with accurate advice and are highly cost effective. Contact CSB Solicitors immediately for a consultation to discuss your Attachment of Earnings needs.

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