Archived Debt Recovery Blog


Warrant of Control

What is a Warrant of Control?

A Warrant of Control will only help if your Debtor has; enough goods at the address you give which could be sold at auction to raise money for you; or all the money you are claiming for on the warrant (to stop goods being sold).

Before the court can issue a Warrant of Control, the Debtor must have:

    • Failed to pay the amount they been ordered to pay; or
    • Fallen behind with at least one of their payments

What happens next?

You will need to complete Form N323 to request to apply for a warrant of control.

Taking control of a Debtor’s goods is the most popular method of enforcement because it is usually a relatively quick and low-cost process. A Warrant of Control empowers the agent to take control of and sell the Debtor’s goods in order to satisfy the value of the judgment.

Warrants are executed by Enforcement Agents that operate in the Debtor’s locality. Enforcement agents cannot force entry at a residential property. They may only enter the Debtor’s home if they are allowed in by the person there. An Enforcement Agent can enter a property if a door is left unlocked.

Enforcement Agents may be able to break into business premises if there is no living accommodation attached and they believe the Debtor’s goods are inside. Enforcement Agents are able to re-enter a property if the Enforcement Agent has previously been allowed in and is returning to the Debtor’s house to collect goods to be removed for sale at auction.

Why choose CSB Solicitors?

The expert team of Solicitors at CSB Solicitors can provide you with accurate advice and are highly cost effective. Contact CSB Solicitors immediately for a consultation to discuss your Warrant of Control needs.

We are the experts here to help you.

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